Why This Oklahoma Fire Department Switched to Emergency Reporting After Years of Using FIREHOUSE Software
Fire and EMS departments across the country are ditching their old reporting and data management software for Emergency Reporting, most often because their old software isn’t living up to their expectations.
Midwest City Fire Department in Oklahoma switched to Emergency Reporting after 12 years of using FIREHOUSE Software. Having experienced the superior benefits of Emergency Reporting’s software for several years now, they’re thankful they found a much more affordable, secure, efficient and easy-to-use Fire/EMS reporting and records management platform.
We recently wrote an in-depth case study featuring the department’s experience with upgrading their software. David Richardson, the department’s Administration Major, discussed the top five reasons they’re happy they made the switch to Emergency Reporting. Here are the highlights:
1.) Cost
“The cost of FIREHOUSE Software may have been similar in pricing, but only if we limited the number of our devices accessing the software, which we didn’t want to do.”
2.) Efficiency/ Productivity
“Having the ability to do a fire report or inspection on any device has made us much more efficient, because it means it can be done on scene, in a vehicle, or an office setting – making accessibility very versatile and a key reason why we switched to Emergency Reporting.”
3.) Ease of Use
“FIREHOUSE was no doubt more difficult to use. It allowed the user to jump around, thus not necessarily completing the reports in order.”
4.) Security
“The multiple backup servers and DOD/military compliancy gave us great comfort.”
5.) Safety
“Having the full feature set of the Emergency Reporting records management suite makes us, by default, more inherently safe.”
Click here to read the full case study on Midwest City Fire Department and to learn more about why they’re glad they made the switch.
Thinking about making the switch to Emergency Reporting? Contact us for a free trial today!
Are you already an ER customer? We would love to give you the same type of PR you can use with your constituents. Email us at [email protected] and tell us your thoughts and if you’d be interested in having your department featured in a case study.