New @ ER: The Emergency Reporting Experience

The Emergency Reporting Experience Agenda
Click to download the agenda

The Emergency Reporting Experience is a three-day training event hosted a local fire-departments all across the country.

If you’re new to the Emergency Reporting system or a long-time veteran, you can benefit by attending one of these regional training conferences.

What to Expect

The Emergency Reporting Experience is split-up into three days with three separate focuses:

Day 1
Essentials training provides a concise overview of our system with a focus on best practices. The lesson plan includes a summary description of the key features in each module and how they relate to each other. During Essentials, we discuss the Incidents and Training 3.0 modules in depth. This training is the basis of the more advanced concepts covered in Integration and LeadER training.
Day 2
Using an Agile prioritization process, Integration training is driven exclusively by the needs of our students. The trainers optimize your experience by guiding the participants through multiple, interactive learning sessions. Integration is focused on resolving the specific challenges faced by your department so that you can realize the full potential of Emergency Reporting as a data-management system.
Day 3
LeadER training covers topics related to system administration, analytics, and reports. Students are introduced to Google Maps integration and our VISION Risk Assessment tools. In the afternoon, students participate in an interactive product design process. The feedback from this session will be delivered directly to our product design team for development consideration.